In a recent Beyond Werds conversation with two of my closest friends and fitness professionals, Dave Callari and Mike Feeks, the idea of Wu Wei came to mind. It was an idea that I had already been aligned with and practiced in my life, but I only discovered it explained in this particular way over the past year through the teachings of philosopher and eastern religion expert Alan Watts.

As we discussed the importance of trusting the process and allowing ourselves to flow effortlessly through life, I knew that Dave and Mike, who embody the concept of Wu Wei in their daily lives, would have valuable insights to share. As is often the case in our conversations, humor found its way in, which gave proof to the way effortless action works.

By embracing Wu Wei, we can let go of the need to control everything and trust in the natural flow of life. This video serves as a testament to the effectiveness of conversation as a tool for education and growth. The unexpected moments and humor captured in this segment allow the lesson to be memorable, leaving a lasting impression beyond the conversation.